הודעה ממרפאת בארותיים עולש

הודעות המזכירות • כניסות

שלום רב

ביום שני ה 22.12.14 לא תהיה אחות במרפאה.
רופא עובד כרגיל.

חג שמח
צוות המרפאה
The contents of the email and any attachments thereto that you have just received may contain sensitive information that may be privileged and/or protected by privacy law. To prevent this sensitive information from reaching unauthorized parties we recommend deleting it after reading it, or alternatively saving it securely such that unauthorized parties cannot gain access to it. Clalit Health Services is not responsible for the security of information stored in your computer, and thus responsibility for its security lies with you. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are responsible by law for its deletion and prohibited from forwarding it or otherwise making its contents public.Should you receive an e-mail that is not intended for you, please contact Us at: Kochav@clalit.org.il